SKU: UP0720
Brand: UPOL
SKU: UP0720
Brand: UPOL
A quick drying yellow oxide isolator. Ideal for restoration work, prevents lifting and bleeding of existing paint film sensitive to solvent attack.
Barcoat is a quick drying yellow oxide isolator. It is designed to prevent lifting and bleeding of existing paint film sensitive to solvent attack when overcoated with cellulose or paint containing strong solvents.
Barcoat should be overcoated with primer/surfacer
Barcoat should not be sanded before application of further coats of paint.
This product contains hazardous materials and therefore appropriate personal protective equipment should always be used. Please refer to the label and consult the safety data sheet for full handling instructions and personal protection information. U-POL disclaims any liability where the user does not wear the recommended personal protective equipment. The above data is for information only and may change without prior notice. It is the Buyers responsibility to ensure the suitability of the products for their own use and check the information is up to date. The recommendation of use of our products and application in our technical data sheets are based on our knowledge and experience. These data sheets are available via your local distributor or via the U-POL website at WWW.U-POL.COM. U-POL is not responsible for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control and thereof U-POL is not liable for consequential or incidental damages including loss of profits.